Copyright © AZ Behavioral Health Specialists, LLC, 2014-25. All rights reserved.
Established patients can reach the doctor on call after hours by contacting the answering service at 520-827-2772.
Important: Please note that we provide office-based care. If you have immediate crisis or life-threatening emergency, call 911 or 988.
At Arizona Behavioral Health Specialists, LLC, we won’t just look at you as a patient, we’ll explore your family, friends, profession, education and social circles, all of which inform who you are as an individual.
Our providers are held to the highest standards of excellence, and bring the best of their education, experience and professional knowledge. You will find ABHS professionals have expertise in many clinical areas including: depression, anxiety and other mood disorders, behavioral problems such as oppositional defiant behavior and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Your treatment will be individualized to meet your specific needs. Treatment begins with a complete assessment and evaluation which will identify treatment goals to work on. Treatment can be individual therapy, couples/marital therapy or family therapy depending on what will best meet your needs. ABHS provides complete psychological testing for children, adolescents and adults. We also provide Forensic Services including evaluation in criminal and civil court cases for adults and juveniles.
Click the link next to the providers name to schedule an appointment online. You may call our office 602-997-6635 or send us an email to get additional information about our locations and services.